Blog Articles

Crystal Healing for the Mind-Body-Soul

Crystals for Mercury Retrograde

Nov 10, 2019

If you’ve heard about Mercury Retrograde (MRx), you may know that it’s a time of year that many people dread… And to be honest, Mercury actually goes retrograde about three times every year (for about three weeks each time)! So it might be happening more frequently than you realize.

Why do people dread Mercury Retrograde?

It tends to be a time when things go a bit wonky… there seems to be an influx of these types of situations occurring during a MRx: electronics break, miscommunications happen, delays and cancellations, unexpected obstacles, technology hiccups,...

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Sleeping With Crystals

Oct 16, 2019

Do you have crystals next to your bed, but are still sleeping restlessly?

At my crystal grid workshop last week, we talked about having crystals next to your bed while you sleep... which crystals might be appropriate to have next to you while sleeping, as well as the question: Do you have too many crystals on your nightstand?  

Different crystals have different purposes; some are for activating and energizing, while others are for calming and balancing. So when choosing crystals for your nightstand, think about what kind of energy you want to have next to you for 8 hours while you...

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Crystals For Stress and Anxiety

Apr 17, 2019

Every day most of us deal with stressful current events, society, work environments, home life, and the overall fast-pace of life. All of these can contribute to feeling stressed and anxious in your daily life – and this seems more common than ever. 

Are you feeling this right now?

You’re not alone – I dealt with ongoing stress and anxiety for over ten years and it was when I started working with crystals that things began to shift and I was feeling more balanced and grounded each day. I'm guessing you might want to bring some of this into your life right now?


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How To Use Crystals

Jan 01, 2017

Hi, I'm Jessica Roth! As a Certified Crystal Healer, the number one question people ask me is "How do I use Crystals?" or "What do I do with these Crystals?".

This video is a basic overview of easy ways to start using crystals if you are feeling lost about where to start!

Want to learn more about how crystal energy works? Check out my Crystal Healing online course!

Additional Crystal Healing courses: Learn More

Please keep in mind that each person is unique and will connect with crystals a little differently, so use your intuition when selecting crystals for yourself and how you...

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