Blog Articles

Crystal Healing for the Mind-Body-Soul

Ever wonder WHY you are drawn to your favorite crystals?

May 22, 2020

You know that favorite crystal you can't seem to put down? There's a reason for that!

Sure, that crystal might be really pretty, but beyond that, there's actually some science and metaphysics involved. Watch this video to understand what's really go on when you feel drawn to a specific crystal.

If this video has peaked your interest in learning even more about the science behind Crystal Healing, I invite you to take a look at my Crystal Healing online course! 

In this Crystal Healing online course, you will learn about crystal energy in conjunction with your energy aura and the Chakra...

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The Crystal I use for Grief

Apr 21, 2020

There are many different reasons someone might be experiencing grief and sadness, as well as the potential of feeling anxiety around these emotions.

In this video I talk about the crystal I like to use for helping me through tough times, and how it helps shift into feeling more peaceful.

Heal with Lepidolite: This crystal excels with emotional healing, anxiety, grief, worry and stress relief. It’s best for calming when life feels challenging, when you’re feeling frazzled and anxious. It can also assist with the higher chakras and connecting. It is a...

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Sleeping With Crystals

Oct 16, 2019

Do you have crystals next to your bed, but are still sleeping restlessly?

At my crystal grid workshop last week, we talked about having crystals next to your bed while you sleep... which crystals might be appropriate to have next to you while sleeping, as well as the question: Do you have too many crystals on your nightstand?  

Different crystals have different purposes; some are for activating and energizing, while others are for calming and balancing. So when choosing crystals for your nightstand, think about what kind of energy you want to have next to you for 8 hours while you...

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